What’s the set-up?

We, Rebecca Miles and Lyndsey Thomas at Nourish Communications, have launched our own white-label version of the Go High Level (GHL) software. We’ve called it Flourish 360 as it provides all you need to grow your online business, and it’s available via subscription login at app.flourish360.biz.

How long are your contracts?

There are NO long-term contracts or commitments. You can use Flourish 360 month to month, and cancel any time you like.

If I cancel my Flourish 360 account, will I lose my data?

As with most "software-as-a-service" platforms, when you cancel your account, your data will become inaccessible, but don't worry, before canceling you have the opportunity to download CSV files of your contacts and members. And you can export the code of your website if you want to host it somewhere


Can I move my Flourish 360 account to another agency?

Yes. We’ll be sad to see you go but if you’d like another agency using Go High Level to host your account, we can transfer your sub account to them. We have an affiliate link we’d love for you to use if you’re planning to sign up with GHL directly.

Can I integrate autoresponders/shopping carts into Flourish 360?

Yes. While we suggest that you only use Flourish360 to run your company, we also know that you may have your own favourite tools you've used in the past, and many of the top service providers can be integrated into the software.

Do I have to install anything?

No. We use Flourish 360 powered by Go High Level so you don’t need a whole I.T. department to run your website. Just login, start clicking, and you can build all of the websites, automations, databases and courses within your sub account.

Who owns the data / content / subscribers?

You do. Any content (including your users) is 100% owned by you. Flourish 360 powered by Go High Level doesn't have permission to use that content or contact your users for any reason. Flourish 360 is just a tool for YOU to deliver YOUR content.

Do I have control of my website or do I have to go through Nourish to make any changes?

You have full and direct admin access to your account, which sits as a sub-account within the Flourish 360 agency account. No other sub accounts can access your account, and vice versa, unless you give them/are given permission.

Can I host the web pages myself?

No, we're a hosted "software-as-a-service" platform. We do this so that we can make sure you get all of the updates and new features, and so your funnels won't break.

What support is available to me?

The answers to most issues are covered by our full suite of SOPs (standard operating procedures) accessible here. For anything that isn’t, GHL has a LOT of easily searchable resources on its website, and we have a dedicated GHL expert VA accessible via email/zoom. Please email Flourish360@nourishyourbrand.com

to raise an issue. Included in your subscription is a fair usage amount of VA access; if you require dedicated help for a bespoke project, for example, you would be expected to cover the VA’s costs.

Can I transfer my existing domain name (URL) to Flourish 360?

Yes - your URL is simply connected to your website within Flourish 360. URLs need to be bought and registered externally to Flourish 360 (eg via GoDaddy, 123-reg), the URL is then hosted by Flourish 360, powered by Go High Level.

If you have an existing website you’d like to transfer over to Flourish 360, you can copy and paste in the original HTML/Javascript code into blank pages within the website builder.

Can I export my Flourish 360 website if I want to change hosting sites?

You can – it's possible to download your website's code and import it into a different website builder, but the hosting fee is all part of the Flourish 360 subscription so you'd want to cancel your whole account and also export your contacts, newsletters etc too.

Can I transfer my Google Workspace account over so I can keep using the same email address?

Your Google Workspace account runs separately to Flourish 360 so isn’t affected by where your website is hosted. You can then link your Google account to your Flourish 360 account to synch your calendar and other Google services.

How many funnels, websites, courses, memberships and domains can I have?

You can have unlimited funnels, websites, courses/memberships and domains.

Will the monthly subscription cost increase in the future?

As a founding member, we're guaranteeing your monthly fee indefinitely.

Is the subscription paid to Nourish Communications or Go High Level?

It's paid to us at Nourish Communications, and can be billed in either UK £ or CAD $.

Are there any additional costs?

Every user receives a sending allowance of 2,500 emails per month. If you wish to purchase additional credit to send more emails, there is an additional charge of $10 for 13,460 email credits paid on a pay-as-you-go basis.

As mentioned above re support, substantial VA support would be charged on a per hour basis.

What happens to my website and account if Nourish stops using Go High Level for any reason?

Good question! We'll give you a month's notice and you'd be able to either continue your account directly with GHL, or we’ll recommend you to another agency to continue your hosting and account through them.

If I don't like Flourish360, how do I cancel?

Simply log in to your account, click on your account settings and click "Cancel my account", then drop us an email at hello@nourishyourbrand.com and we’ll cancel your subscription payment.

These FAQs form our terms and conditions.

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