We help female founders in the mental and physical well-being, therapy and wellness tourism space

The client:

Autism Unravelled

From dated and jumbled to fresh and clear – a complete overhaul of a private autism clinic’s website and customer journey to entice customer’s to book an initial appointment and convert to paying clients

The Challenge

Rebecca and Louise, the co-directors of Autism Unravelled, were fed up with their existing website and wanted an update. Their existing website looked old-fashioned, and it wasn’t working for them in terms of educating potential clients on neurodiverse issues (and therefore demonstrating their expertise) or providing a clear customer journey to drive new client bookings.

The Solution

We took the time to get to know Rebecca and Louise as, in their own words, they weren’t very good at articulating what was in their heads! Armed with this understanding, we stripped back their website, created a clear framework for their informative content, and briefed an illustrator to create a visual header that symbolised their inclusive and welcoming approach to neurodiversity. Designed and updated in Squarespace, we also added in a straightforward booking system for potential clients to make an initial appointment. Prior to setting this up, it took Autism Unravelled’s practice manager a lot of time to manually book these in.

The results

A beautiful website with a clear customer journey and a design that the team are now proud to share on their socials and when networking, we received great feedback from both Rebecca and Louise and their stakeholders. Since the new website launched, Autism Unravelled’s staff spend a noticeably reduced amount of time on dealing with basic admin queries and organising initial calls, as the website works so much more efficiently.


We really appreciate the thought and effort that Rebecca and Lyndsey put into working out what was in our heads and turning those thoughts into a clear website journey for our clients. The redesigned website, with updated branding, is exactly what we wanted and the end result is gorgeous.

"They were great to work with, responsive and relatable, and adept at finding solutions to our needs. We really valued their down to earth approach and felt that they completely understood us, and our particular needs.

"I wouldn't hesitate to recommend working with Rebecca and Lyndsey. They removed the overwhelm we'd been feeling about addressing our redesign project, and provided useful advice and expertise beyond our original remit that made us feel supported and understood."

Dr Rebecca Varrall, director & senior clinical psychologist, Autism Unravelled, London

The client:

Larchwood Occupational Therapy in Nature

Alannah came to us with an idea to diversify her occupational therapy outdoor therapy business for neuro-diverse children but she was at a loss as to how to brand it and communicate it.


"Lyndsey and Rebecca were eager to learn all the intricacies of my Occupational Therapy business.

Between them they created materials that will easily connect with our intended audience with understandable language. They really strive to keep jargon to a minimum and soften language and their graphics are a delight - I cannot wait to share them with future clients.

I would recommend Lyndsey and Rebecca for any of your branding and communications needs. They are honest, kind and they really believe in the work, always ensuring their clients align with their mission of highlighting female entrepreneurs."

Alana Davis, occupational therapist & founder of Larchwood Therapy in Nature, Toronto

The client:

The Hideaways Club

From bland and boring to beautiful and bold – the complete overhaul of a high-end travel and lifestyle brand’s marketing and communications to entice HNWIs to OWN THEIR BEST LIFE

The Challenge

Completely reposition THC, with its portfolio of stunning co-owned exclusive homes managed by an old-school board of directors and shareholders with strong views and high expectations but little knowledge of marketing and communications in a digital world. THC was a brand with lackluster personality, dated content, a boring-as-hell website, and no digital lead generation strategy.  

This assignment was a marketeers dream from beginning to end and we loved every minute of it.

The Solution

We wasted no time in stripping this brand right back to its to bare bones and worked closely with the management team to redefine The Hideaways Club’s core value proposition. We proposed ‘OWN YOUR BEST LIFE’ as the brand’s new strapline because that is EXACTLY what the brand promises their ideal client.

The entire content strategy hung off these four words, and along with a refreshed colour palette, aspirational stock imagery, beautifully written corporate copy and a bucket load of Member stories to play with, we created a detailed 12-month comms plan straddling digital, social and print media and a rock solid lead-generation strategy that included a sexy sales funnel, which lured in potential HNWI members via Facebook and Google ads with a free ‘How To Own Your Best Life’ guide at its core.

The Results

Quality leads and new members. And with a minimum of £250,000 investment needed to qualify as a member, this was no easy task! We left them with a slick, sophisticated comms strategy and a clear vision to take them into the future. 

Lead magnet freebie

Website designed by Nourish Communications® 2023

Nourish Communications - London, UK & Toronto, Canada


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